Septic Tank

How Often To Pump Septic Tank?- Tell You The Reason

How frequently should I pump my septic tank? is without a doubt the most frequent query we receive.” New homeowners who are unfamiliar with septic systems frequently need to learn how to maintain their septic systems to keep them free of any expensive issues. A septic system differs from a sewer system and calls for special care and maintenance even though it is a safe, organic, and environmentally friendly way to manage household drain waste.

Why Is It Necessary To Empty The Septic Tank?

Septic tanks require more frequent emptying due to a variety of factors, including overload. You shouldn’t shirk your obligation to properly maintain the tank just because you’ve never had any significant issues with it.

Because of the tank’s primary function, emptying a septic tank is crucial. Heavy materials naturally sink to the bottom and eventually form a sludge layer. More solids will enter the soil absorption system (lateral field) if the sludge accumulates to higher than permitted levels. Liquids are unable to flow into and out of lateral field pipes so they cannot be absorbed into the soil around them as they become clogged. As a result of the septic system being overworked, unclean water returns to the surface in the final step of this series of events. You will smell it before you see it when this happens, as will your neighbors.

When Should A Septic Tank Be Emptied?

Your septic tank should ideally be emptied once every three to five years, on average.

The actual frequency will change, though, based on usage and the size of your household. For example, while a single person living alone in a house may be able to go ten years without having the tank pumped out, a family of seven might have to pump every two years. Larger households may need to pump out a tank more frequently.

For the septic tank to function properly, pumping it out occasionally is necessary. Any household that has a malfunctioning septic tank may experience issues, such as sewage backing up into drains or bubbling up from the ground near the septic tank and lateral field.

Roto-Rooter advises you to look over your home’s septic tank pumping intervals and make note of them in order to help you create a schedule moving forward. This will help you avoid costly repairs and potential health risks. For instance, consider how long you let the system sit before emptying it previously and whether that indicated you were having issues with overflow. For a better idea of how frequently you should have your septic tank pumped out, you might also speak with your neighbors who have families of a similar size.

How Do Septic Tanks Work?

Wastewater is treated and disposed of in septic tanks, which serve as an on-site sewage facility. Sludge, grease & oil, and effluent are separated from waste when it passes through septic tanks because heavier solids sink to the bottom where they are digested by bacteria.

The first two materials stay in the septic tank, while the effluent flows from the tanks to their respective disposal systems to go through additional treatment steps. Sludge builds up at the bottom of the tank while the grease and oil at the top of the tank form a scum-like consistency. There will be too much sludge in the tank, so it needs to be pumped out.

How To Find Out If Your Septic Tank Is Full?

Locate the septic tank lid and carefully remove it first. Always keep an eye on the open tank to prevent the heavy lid from breaking or cracking. If a person or a pet falls into the tank, which is submerged in 4-5 feet of water, it could be dangerous.

The next step is to examine the scum trap at the top to determine how thick the scum layer is. Generally, when the scum layer is 6 inches thick, you should pump your septic tank.

The second and slightly more difficult step is to gauge the amount of sludge present at the tank’s bottom. You can make your own homemade version of a specific sludge level measuring stick in addition to buying one. Just start at one end of a seven-foot-long, sturdy stick or two by four and attach an 18 to 24-inch velcro strip along the stick. The end that goes into the tank will be the one with the velcro.

Maintaining your measuring stick upright, gently lower the velcro end down into the septic tank through the thick sludge at the bottom until you feel the stick make contact with the floor. Next, take out the straight measuring stick, and inspect the velcro strip.

Due to the fact that the velcro will hold the dark, thick sludge, you will be able to gauge for yourself how many inches of sludge are at the bottom based on how much sludge is along the velcro strip on your stick. As soon as there is 1 foot (12 inches) of sludge in the septic tank, we advise pumping it out.

Although the homeowner can perform this task themselves, most would rather use our convenient inspection service to measure and pinpoint your home’s precise maintenance schedule.

Grant’s Septic Techs will actually use photo documentation, in contrast to many other septic service providers, to show you exactly where your waste levels are and assist you in tracking how long it takes for your scum and sludge levels to rise to the appropriate thresholds. We will provide you with a customized septic tank pumping schedule based on the information unique to your household so that you can maintain your system without overusing your budget.

You don’t need to pay for septic pumping services that you don’t actually require.

Therefore, calling us or scheduling our maintenance program test is your best bet if you’re unsure whether it’s time to pump your septic tank.

We will visit your home and handle all the measuring for you for just $127. There are no heavy septic tank lids to deal with, or messy sticks to dispose of!

We’ll take real photos of your systems to document their status, and we’ll create a recommendation just for you. Because no two septic systems are the same, the interval will vary depending on a number of factors, including the number of occupants in your home, the amount of wastewater you use, and the size of your septic tank.

Actually, there won’t be any fees for the measuring service if we discover that your levels require a septic tank pumping at the time of inspection! While we are on the property, you only need to pay for the septic tank to be pumped.