How To Drill Holes In Ceramic Pots? All To Know

How To Drill Holes In Ceramic Pots? All To Know

You may want to drill a hole in a ceramic pot for a number of different reasons. You might consider hanging it from a hook in addition to including a drainage hole in the bottom of it.

To make the holes, use a driller that is cordless or electric and has diamond drill bits. With drills, delicate pots are less likely to crack and handling is easier. Instead of using drills, you can also use knives, nails, and screwdrivers.

Let’s get you going on this project.

How to Drill a Hole in a Ceramic Pot:

Supplies Needed:

  • Diamond drill bit for a ceramic pot (see my guide to drill bits for each pot type below)
  • Cordless drill
  • Ceramic pot
  • Safety glasses/safety goggles
  • Awesome plants!

How to Drill a Ceramic Pot:

STEP 1: Get a Diamond Drill Bit

A diamond drill bit is required to cut through ceramic pots. As masonry drill bits, they are also referred to on occasion.

This bit, which is a bit like a wet saw, is made for drilling into the tile.

It may sound expensive, but they are typically cheap and are available in packs of five online or at most hardware stores. They will fit any common drill.

STEP 2: Wet the Top (bottom) of the Pot

Diamond bits must be used on a wet surface in order to avoid overheating and possible breakage.

We reverse-drilled our pots. For unglazed ceramic, this works perfectly.

Be aware that drilling glazed ceramic pots may remove some of the glazes from the area around the hole, which is approximately 1/2 Prime.

If the missing glaze bothers you, you might want to drill upward from the inside rather than downward from the bottom. Make sure your drill will fit before buying.

STEP 3: Go in at An Angle

Holding the drill at a 45-degree angle at first will help you get the best drilling results.

On our wooden shop table, this was extremely difficult for me to do. It never stopped spinning.

We finally had success when Sean placed the pot on the grass outside; it acquired a much better grip that way. The same grippy effect could be achieved with a towel.

The drill bit should be positioned with a 45-degree angle toward the pot base. Pull the trigger and begin drilling gradually.

STEP 4: Straighten Out

Once the drill bit starts to catch, you should straighten it out so that it is angled straight up and down at a 90-degree angle, and you should also speed up the drilling. To complete the drilling process, press firmly.

Warning: We did experience one pot breaking on the bottom. The heavy body of the drill crashed into the delicately glazed pot when we applied too much pressure after the drill bit had finished the hole. To prevent this, proceed with extreme caution at a slow pace and stop pushing once the hole is complete.

If you want bigger holes, drill a smaller hole first, then a bigger hole on top of it.

STEP 5: Add Your Plant

Fill the pot with new soil and your plant. You shouldn’t need to add small pebbles beneath the soil; the drainage holes should provide adequate drainage. Make sure they’re big enough not to fall through the hole you just drilled, though!

If you intend to keep your pot indoors, place a drop tray underneath to prevent extra water from dripping out onto your tabletop.

How to Make a Hole in a Ceramic Pot Without a Drill?

Using a power drill is the best method for creating a hole in a ceramic pot.

But if the drill breaks mid-act or you can’t afford a new drill, go back to the fundamentals. Pick up a strong nail and a wooden hammer.

  • The ceramic pot should be soaked for at least an hour or overnight before drilling.
  • Keep the pot upside-down on a sturdy table on top of a thick, folded cloth.
  • On the pot’s base, use a sharpie to mark the drill points.
  • To nick, the surface gently hammers the nail’s point while holding it between your fingers. Hammer away at the nail until it pierces the base.
  • Repeat the previous steps at various locations along the pot’s base to add more holes.

Why Are Drainage Holes So Important?

Even though each plant has different requirements, none prefer soggy roots.

When you water plants, the water typically sinks to the bottom of the pot. Water left standing can rot or grow mold.

Drainage holes prevent your plant and soil from becoming soggy by allowing extra water to drain out.

How Many Drainage Holes Should I Add to a Pot?

To make sure water isn’t pooling on one side, I like to add two holes to any pot that is over 8 inches in diameter.

Drill the hole halfway between the center of the pot and the edge if there are two or more; otherwise, drill the hole in the center if there is only one hole.

Avoid placing two holes too close to one another to avoid weakening the ceramic between them.

Which Drill Bit to Use for Ceramic Pots?

A drill bit designed for tile and stone or glass and tile is the best one to use for ceramic pots.

They are accessible online at Amazon or at almost every hardware store.

I currently have a Bosch Tile and Stone ½” drill bit that can drill through natural stone, granite, ceramic, and glass.

For the majority of pot sizes, a 1/2″ hole seems ideal because a drain hole that is too small may be easily clogged by stones or pieces of bark that are present in potting soil mixtures.

I cover the hole with a larger stone, a piece of coconut coir plant lining, a screen, or weed mesh to stop soil from draining out the bottom of the pot but allow water to still drain out with no soil.

Additional Tips to Keep in Mind

The number of holes that should be drilled into the pot will depend on its size. To prevent water from collecting on one side, a pot with a diameter greater than 8 inches should have at least two holes in it. If you’re drilling a single hole in the pot, put it at the center. Make each hole, if there are two or more, halfway between the edge and the center of the pot. To prevent damaging the ceramic, ensure that the two holes are not too close to one another.

You can also pick up interesting old vases in charity shops and convert them to Plant pots by drilling holes in them!

The Bottom Line

Drilling drainage holes in your ceramic pot is a relatively easy process. All you need are the appropriate tools and a working knowledge of the fundamental procedures. In the end, this easy project will result in healthy, happy plants.