What Is Power Pumping How To Increase Milk Supply

What Is Power Pumping? How To Increase Milk Supply?

Power pumping is meant to give your supply a nudge. When your baby nursed frequently, which is called cluster feeding, it simulated that. Your body will be prompted to begin producing more milk as a result. Power pumping, in essence, kick-starts the milk supply chain, allowing you to accumulate milk for your baby.

Regular pumping and nursing continue to be necessary in addition to power pumping. It’s intended to be done in addition to your regular routine. It can, however, replace one routine pumping session.

When you partially or completely bottle-feed your baby, this technique works best. It will be difficult for your body to produce enough extra milk between feedings if your baby is nursing frequently.

However, don’t worry if you power pump because your breasts are never completely empty and your baby’s sucking motion will stimulate more milk as needed.

Please continue reading so I can give you more specific information.

Power Pumping: What Is It?

Power pumping is the practice of pumping breastmilk in a pattern that resembles cluster feeding, the infant’s most active feeding patterns.

Baby naturally begins cluster feeding when they are going through a growth spurt to increase your milk production when they require more nutrition. Supply and demand govern everything!

When they cluster feed, they’ll feed more frequently – in “clusters” of several shorter feeds concentrated over a 2-3 hour span. Additionally, as they feed more frequently, your breasts will empty more frequently, increasing the amount of breastmilk you produce.

Pumping in a similar pattern to cluster feeding – several shorter, more frequent pumping sessions “clustered” together within a given timeframe – will have similar effects.

As the breasts are being emptied more frequently, your body will notice and assume the baby needs more milk.

Therefore, you will produce more breastmilk as a result of the demand that power pumping generates.

There’s a reason why power pumping is also called “cluster pumping!”

Power pumping can quickly increase your milk supply without the use of supplements because it closely resembles a natural feeding pattern.

When Should You Use A Power Pump & When Should You Avoid It?

If you’re having trouble keeping up with milk supply, only power pump.

Power pumping may cause your breasts to become overly full if you already have a healthy supply. This might result in swelling and engorgement, which would make it difficult for the baby to breastfeed.

You won’t likely need to power pump if the baby is currently cluster feeding. The supply should rise on its own because the cluster feed functions in the same way. Therefore, it is preferable to take advantage of the baby’s natural desire to feed in groups.

Power pumping is one method of helping to increase milk production if it is low. However, it is entirely up to you whether you choose to first try other supply-boosting strategies.

How To Power Pump To Increase Milk Supply?

Set aside an uninterrupted hour to power pump; ideally, choose a setting where you will feel at ease and comfortable. As milk supply is frequently higher in the morning than in the evening, it might be best to try to do this in the morning. However, you can do it whenever suits your schedule.

Use a hands-free nursing bra and a double electric breast pump to make the process as comfortable as possible. If your hands are free, you can eat a snack, read, use a computer or tablet, or engage in any other enjoyable stationary activity. Try to power pump after a nursing session if you are nursing.

A sample power-pumping schedule is:

  • Pump for 20 minutes, rest for 10 minutes
  • Pump for 10 minutes, rest for 10 minutes
  • Pump for 10 minutes

Continue pumping and/or nursing normally for the remainder of the day. For many people, power pumping once per day is sufficient. If you’d like, you can add a second session. Remember though, two lengthy cluster pumping sessions in a single day can be mentally and physically taxing.

Everyone is unique. While some will react to power pumping quickly, some will take more time.

You should start to see results after two or three days of doing this. When you start to notice an increase in supply, you can stop the power pumping sessions until you feel like you need another boost. Some people claim that it takes four to seven days to produce results, while others claim to see no change at all1.

Should You Give Power Pumping A Try?

Examine the potential causes of your supply decline before starting a power pump.

Look into whether your breast pump has a problem, such as broken parts or poor suction. An ineffective pump that produces little to no breast milk can result from normal wear and tear.

As a general rule, if you frequently use a breast pump and it’s more than a year old, you should replace it to see if your milk supply increases.

To make sure the pump is functioning properly, you can also take it to a lactation store or service facility. They can examine the apparatus and suggest replacement components.

Make an appointment with a lactation consultant before you start power pumping. If your baby isn’t getting enough milk, it could be because you’re pumping or breastfeeding incorrectly. You might only need to make a few minor changes to the way the baby latches or the way you pump.

Your baby may not be gaining weight or may even be losing weight, and there may not be enough wet and soiled diapers on your baby as a result of poor milk supply. As long as your baby is steadily gaining weight and putting out wet and dirty diapers, they are getting what they need. However, many common baby behaviors, such as frequent feedings or fussiness, may lead parents to believe that milk supply is low.

Consult a lactation consultant if you’re unsure or have any questions about breastfeeding for more information.

What Is Power Pumping How To Increase Milk Supply
What Is Power Pumping? How To Increase Milk Supply?

Who Wouldn’t Benefit From Power Pumping?

Again, women who don’t have a milk supply issue shouldn’t power pump. Due to this, breasts may produce an excessive amount of breast milk. A baby may find it challenging to breastfeed due to the painful swelling and engorgement of the breasts that can result from this.

When your baby already exhibits a cluster feeding pattern and you are able to breastfeed during those times, you should also avoid power pumping. Your breast milk supply will naturally increase just from following this schedule. Additionally, your baby will cluster feed much more effectively than you will pump.

Ways To Maintain Your Milk Supply

Here are some additional general pointers for maintaining your milk supply in addition to power pumping.

Massage Your Breast

One way to help your milk flow more freely is to massage your breasts just before or while you’re pumping. This will help clear any clogged milk ducts.

Use The Correct Pump Flange

If you experience pain or discomfort, your pumping sessions might be shorter. If the plastic piece that covers your nipple, the flange, is the wrong size, this may occur. Choose a flange that fits your nipple and breast properly to lessen friction and pain.

Keep Up With Regular Feedings

Your breasts will produce more milk as your child breastfeeds more frequently. Depending on your baby’s age and feeding preferences, you’ll need to dedicate a certain amount of time to breastfeeding.

For instance, nursing needs for newborns may range from 8 to 12 times per day for the first month, and then drop to 7 to 9 times per day by the time they are 1 or 2 months old.

Keep an eye out for your baby’s hunger cues. This includes opening their mouth, putting their hands in it, pouting their lips, and sticking out their tongue.

Focus On Relaxing

Letdown, a natural reflex that promotes the flow of milk from the breast to the infant, can be stimulated by being at ease and comfortable during feedings. Try to focus on the task at hand, stay distracted-free, and sit comfortably while you feed the baby.

Switch Breasts

It’s simple to fall into a routine of breastfeeding in the same position, perhaps beginning or ending each feed with the same breast. Change breasts every time you feed your baby to maintain a steady milk supply.


If you’re still breastfeeding and your milk supply drops, it can be upsetting and upsetting emotionally. Instead of giving up, try power pumping to trick your body into producing more milk. Be patient, though.

Although it might take a week or longer, some women report an increase in just one or two days. Make an appointment with a lactation consultant if you have any worries about your supply of milk.

Thank you for reading.